
Thursday, 29 July 2010

I love learning!

I've decided. It's amazing. All this. I'm grinning like a goon! Nobody would believe me now if I tried to deny my feelings about him! It would be impossible to do. A friend told me I'm that obvious I'm like a "bloody audio book!" ha! Well it's true. I love him! And I want everyone to know! I want to scream it from the rooftops!!!
He's amazing!
I can't keep him my secret any longer. I don't want to. I want the world to know just how much I feel for him!

I know he didn't believe me last night. When, in regards to a recent occurrence, I told him nobody has ever complimented me on that such occurrence before. I could tell he didn't believe me. But it's true! And he makes me feel so... Let's say 'different' ha about everything. I feel so sexually aware when I'm with him. He makes me feel attractive and... Bad! Hahahaha! Feelings I've never felt with another before. I can see I am going to learn a whole lot from him. And I'm looking forward to learning it all :D

It's not just sexually that he makes me feel different. Its emotionally too and physically (if that makes any sense). I feel things for him that I've felt for no one else. Emotions I didn't know were... feelable? That a word? Ha! Is now!! I didn't know it was possible to feel this much for a person. Someone who isn't flesh and blood, no relation to me. These feelings are nothing I have ever felt. I love my family and adore my nephew. But this feeling? I don't know what it is. And it scares the hell out of me. But it feels amazing all at the same time! I don't like getting close to people, I'm afraid of getting hurt. But I am devoted to this guy and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I know that probably sounds all lame and cliché but its true! My body feels him, senses him. I feel so different when I'm around him. I feel attractive, wanted. He's so beautiful. So perfect. Every inch of his being is... delicious! :P His smile is soooooo beautiful. So, so beautiful. I love making him smile. His laugh is as loud as mine! Ha! He is amazing! MY BOYFRIEND IS AMAZING!!! I love his eyes. I love them! I love looking deep into his eyes. I've never felt so at ease, looking into someone's eyes, ever! I could get lost in those eyes! Oh I'm obsessed!!! <3 He knows me. More than I know me. We are so in tune with each other. We have the same sense of humour we like the same things, yet we are so unalike all in the same way. It's amazing!

I feel like, with him, I can do things I've only dreamt of before...
We spoke about running away together. I have never been so serious about something in my life. If anybody has read my old lj account then they will see that I have wanted to run away for a very long time. But I've never found anybody I wanted to run away with. I hope he meant what he said. I'd love to leave. Save some money, pack a bag and disappear for a while. We'd get on the first plane we saw that we could afford and see where it took us! Spend our days journeying and making what little money we could. And our nights holding each other planning our next trip away...
(It's about now I should point out... IM FOOKING TERRIFIED OF FLYING!! hahaha!) But still! I want to disappear and I want to do it with him! I want to experience new places, new challenges, everything! And I want to experience them with him!

I adore him <3

...In other news... (Obsessive mental girlfriend rant over! Ha!) I've not lost any weight in a whole week :( my stomachs balancing. Time for a mini binge I think. Kick starts my metabolism. I'd do diet pills but I don't want to get caught up in that downward spiral again! I heard pineapple kick starts the metabolic process if you eat it in a morning. Only thing is, I fucking hate pineapple haha! I may do the rainbow diet again, that worked for a while last time and if all else fails I can always reintroduce the cabbage soup diet into my life ha! I'm sure ingie will love the cabbage soup farts hahaha!

I'm so sleepy today! I watched primer last night... Twice! But don't asks me what it's about. I got distracted... Twice! HA! It looks good though and I like the music so I will definitely try and watch it!!!
He's been working with me today. It's torture working with him but not being able to kiss him!
I think we may have got caught kissing in the office. I should worry. But I don't. I want to kiss him. I want to kiss him everywhere!!!
I woke up in the middle of the night dancing! Ha! I was so embarrassed. He said he didn't notice but hmmm lol I'm so embarrassing when I sleep!
I can't stop talking today. I want to talk about him alllll night long! I'm in a very good mood!!



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