
Saturday, 7 August 2010

Exhaustion leads to emotional insecurities...

I'm utterly exhasusted. Today is my last day working in this hell hole and
as much as I'd love to show off and impress. I'm just too bloody sleepy! I really need to go to bed.
When I'm tired I'm emotional. Its either sad or moody. But either way its emotional.
I need to hug my ingie. I'm feeling kind of low. I can't explain why.
I'm falling asleep in the back office whilst I type this. I can't think of anything except ingie and my bed.
Mmmm... Ingie and my bed <3
Is it wrong, to feel so strongly about someone, so soon?
I want to take himn with me to japan. I've never wanted to experience Japan with anyone else. I always wanted to do it on my own.
Not anymore.
This must be real.

I want to lose a stone. Today I'm restraining. Every morning and every night I step on those scales and everytime I weigh the same. Fat girls don't have boyfriends for very long!
My head says "remeber the rules! Bones are beautiful!" My body says "you are always going to be fat!"
It gets me down.
I just need to lose a stone.

I'm healing. No cut. Just nappy rash cream to layer the sores.

I remind him of another. One he adored. It makes me paranoid. One day I'll develop a complex and scare him away.
I hope that day never comes.

Oh look at me. Moaning because I'm tired. I'm an emotional wreck. I hope sleep comes soon. I can't listen to my thoughts today. But I'm too tired to block them out!



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